Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Friday, July 31, 2009

Quality Peach...Second Time Around!

If you've been following the blog, I know you remember this picture of Georgia...taken on June 24th...just one week after she was born! Well, today we were back at the farm selling peaches and I decided to weigh her again!
Today, a little over 6 weeks old, Georgia Claire now weighs 11 POUNDS!!! She weighed 6 lbs 14 oz when she was born! Two weeks ago at the doctor she was 9 lb. 2 oz...I knew she was getting bigger but I had no idea!
She's getting those fat thighs and double chin...I could just eat her up! She is such a sweet baby.
I also had to get a picture of her "talking" to her cow...she LOVES this cow and was just smiling and cooing at it for the longest time! TOO sweet...

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Look at those thighs! I can't wait to nibble. 6 more weeks and she isn't going to fit that box.

    I hope you are all doing wonderful - I've had a nasty week and this post just made my day. She's georgous. (Georgiaous???)

    Julia had her wisdom teeth removed this morning - say a little prayer that she rests good this weekend.

    Take care - Stacy
