Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, July 27, 2009

Busy Weekend!

On Friday we went to see Shelby's parents Paula & Barry, his sister Heather, and his Grandma. They live in Keller...about a 3 hour trip from our home. It worked out great with Georgia's nap because Shelby was able to take off early and we left right when she fell asleep. She slept until Irving and then started crying. Of course, we were in the HOV lane and it took a while to get out, but eventually we were able to and stopped for a bottle and diaper change. After that, she was good to go again! She was the best little traveler on her first road trip! Paula cooked a delicious dinner for us and we enjoyed just hanging out Friday night. We took the pack 'n play and Georgia slept 7.5 hours!

Here she is going...SO EXCITED! Ha!
Saturday morning we got up and toured a model home of the one that Barry, Paula & Grandma are building. IF they sell the homes they are in now, the plan is for them and Heather to all move in together...it is a BEAUTIFUL home and everyone has their own space..there is even an area in the game room for Heather's old Fisher Price toys for Georgia to play with and a reading nook especially for reading bedtime stories with her! It will be a lot of fun for Georgia to have all of them in one home together. After touring the home we went to eat at the antique mall. Barry has a space there and he also does the decorating for the owners and their spaces. He is so talented. Heather also helps decorate and waits tables there while she is going to school at TCC as an art student. She was our waitress for lunch and once again, Georgia slept through the entire thing!

Here she is with Aunt Heather...
Barry & Paula (or Granbarry and Mimi as we think they will be called...or we will see what miss Georgia comes up with!) are in love and enjoyed the cuddling and rocking this weekend. Barry wasn't sure about a new baby at first, I think he was thinking she was too fragile. BUT, as you can see from the pictures below, he cannot stop looking at her! He has DEFINITELY gotten over his insecurities about a newborn and is loving Georgia, as is the ENTIRE family! These pictures cracked me up...Paula was trying to burp Georgia and Barry was squatting behind the chair talking to her.
Paula sang to Georgia each time she had her...Georgia likes music and singing. Her birthmother is musically talented and I know it must be soothing to Georgia to hear it! Remembering the words to the sweet little lullabies is something we are all having trouble with...have to freshen up on those!
Each time Aunt Heather held Georgia she had her FULL attention...she even cooed at her a couple of times. SO sweet...
I mentioned earlier that Heather is an art student at Tarrant County College...one of her paintings was bought by one of the deans from her school and put in an art show at the Ft. Worth Community Arts Center. Here we are in front of her first masterpiece in a series that she plans to do with Fisher Price Little People. This one is called "Away From the Crowd". All of her paintings in this particular series will be scenes from her life, using Little People. She LOVED Fisher Price Little People when she was little, and being the antique collectors that they are, Barry and Paula saved everything. We are very excited that Georgia will have all of those GREAT toys to play with one day soon! Heather is VERY talented and will be VERY successful with her painting career, I'm sure!
We ate supper with our friends Greg and Kathleen on Saturday night. They were leaving the next morning, moving to Virginia! While we waited on them to get to the restaurant Georgia had a little snooze with her daddy...
AND a snooze with momma...
After dinner we headed to a farewell party for Greg, Kathleen, and Malachi. This was their first time to meet Georgia. Here is Kathleen, being the natural that she is!
And here we all are, before saying good-bye. We met Greg and Kathleen at church when we lived in Euless from 2005-2006. They became such dear friends of ours...we will greatly miss them, but we will DEFINITELY be going to see them in Virginia! I love this picture because Georgia is in it with these precious friends that were prayer warriors on our behalf. They prayed for us for so long while we were struggling with all of our infertility issues. We love you Greg, Kathleen, Malachi, (and Trooper)!

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