Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, August 16, 2010


Transitioning is the name of the game around our house. Have I mentioned that I am totally and completely in love with my baby girls? The transition from a family of three to a family of four has been challenging at times but I'm very determined to make sure that both Ivy Jane & Georgia Claire are happy, healthy, and have their needs met. This is my job, one that God has trusted me with, and I am very thankful. I am also so incredibly thankful for my sweet husband Shelby, who wants nothing more than to provide for his three girls and make sure we are happy. I am so thankful for his successful career and his determination to grow and learn in his company. It is because of him that I can stay home with Ivy Jane & Georgia Claire...something I have dreamed of doing since I was a little girl.

I'm not going to lie, at first the transition with Georgia Claire was a bit rough. Several things were huge factors in the tough transition...1.) I couldn't pick her up (doctor's orders) and every time it seemed that she wanted me I was feeding her baby sister. Thank goodness Shelby was able to be off work for several days...they became best buddies! 2.) She is cutting two big jaw teeth and has been drooling and chewing on anything and everything. Those things have to hurt when they are coming in! 3.) The fact that she is a day shy of 14 months and doesn't quite understand what is going on has a lot to do with it the rough patches, too, I know.

I have been praying these last 12 days that Georgia Claire would feel loved and not replaced and that God would give me the patience and rest that I need to keep up with the demands of a 14 month old and a 12 day old. Time management is something I've always been pretty good at, but I'm learning a whole new meaning to the term. Just in the last couple of days I have seen a change in Georgia Claire. I think she now gets it that Ivy Jane is here to stay, and that I can't always come right to her. She has been so sweet to her little sister...always wanting to give her kisses and touches her with only one finger, as Shelby or I or both say "careful". I KNOW that giving her a sibling is the best thing we can do for her. It helps, too, that I can now pick her up and we are back in our routine. She's back to sleeping 11 or so hours each night plus a good nap in the afternoons. I know these little girls are going to be best friends! I think about my sisters and the bond that we have, and I look at my nieces Mary Katherine & Caroline and I cannot wait to watch Ivy Jane & Georgia Claire grow up together...precious memories are sure to be made!

Enjoy some pictures from the last few days at home. Ivy Jane is still getting "sponge baths"-waiting on the umbilical cord to fall off. She does really well and always likes to be wrapped in the towel & cuddled afterwards.
Miss Hollywood...Mary Katherine gave Georgia these glasses and Georgia LOVES them!
We like to play peek-a-boo. She will put a blanket or something over her head and pull it off when we say "Where's Georgia?" but now she has started covering her eyes (or her ears) to play peek-a-boo. Here she is trying to cover her eyes...it's hilarious!
Playing with the tractors...
Ivy Jane & Daddy cuddling...
Let's just say it was a GOOD nap! With hair like that, you KNOW it had to be good!
Yesterday was the first day that Georgia Claire's nap and Ivy Jane's sleep schedule lined up perfectly. We all three slept and it was GLORIOUS! Sleep deprivation can do a number on you if you let it! I'm learning to let the house go a little more and to rest when they are resting and play when they want to play. I love my life and this transitioning phase, as hard as it is at times!

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