Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, August 2, 2010

Georgia's Personality

Oh how we love this little girl and her hilarious personality! She is so much fun and makes us laugh out loud at least once a day! She's starting to do "tricks" and it's so much fun to watch her learn and grow and become this funny little girl. When we ask her what a cow says she says, "Mmmmm". She loves to ride on the mule with Paw Paw and see the cows at the farm. There are also some cows behind Grandma & Paw Paw's house that she loves to watch. When we ask her for a kiss she either says, "Mmmm" and puckers up or just leans into us and plants an open-mouthed wet, slobbery kiss or two or three....either way, it's the best thing ever! She will give us high-five, something her Aunt Heather taught her. She says "Bye Bye" and waves both hands. She still loves to "sort" her toys and will empty her basket and then put them all back in. She occasionally puts her head back and laughs like Elmer Fudd-HILARIOUS! She still sleeps about 10-11 hours each night and takes a 2-3 hour nap every afternoon. I know I am blessed...I'm enjoying it while it lasts because I realize the chances of Ivy Jane loving sleep as much as her older sister is slim to none!

After nap she LOVES to wrestle on our bed...she was laughing hysterically at Shelby in this picture...
Here she is giving Dada a kiss but stopped to look at the camera...
I think of our day in terms of "stations" like when I was teaching elementary school. Her attention span is so short that we stay active. We watch a video, we play in her room, we do something outside, we have snack, we read books, we take a nap, we run errands, we do chores, etc. She has a few Baby Einstein videos and nursery rhyme videos that she LOVES. She especially loves the songs and will dance and clap her hands...
Here she is putting the Fisher Price people in the merry-go-round and being so proud of herself that she put her head back and laughed like Elmer Fudd after each one...
Love her love her love her! As I'm typing this I'm watching Shelby and her crawl around...he's telling her that he's going to get her and she's crawling as fast as she can and belly laughing and drooling....thank you, Lord for those precious sounds that I prayed for for so long!

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