Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ivy Jane's Two Week Check-Up

Today we went to Ivy Jane's two week appointment and she is doing so well! When she was born she weighed 7 lbs 15 oz, when she was discharged she weighed 7 lbs 12 oz, and today she is 8 lbs 8 oz! I'm so happy that she is gaining weight! She loves to eat and I am so thankful. The whole pregnancy, delivery, postpartum, etc. thing is such an incredible miracle! Shelby & I are in awe all over again. Seeing what my body went through and how quickly I have recovered and how well Ivy Jane has done since the jaundice scare...wow! It truly is amazing! When the doctor came in today to examine her she looked at Ivy and then looked at Shelby and said, "WOW! Talk about a mini me! She is ALL YOU DAD!" I told her I thought so, too and she said, "Oh yeah, definitely looks like daddy!" To which Shelby replied, "Poor baby!" My mom's response? "Oh well one of the twins you're going to have next will look like you!" That's right, not only does my mom think I will get pregnant again, she thinks I am going to have TWINS! We'll see!

Ivy Jane sacked out in Daddy's arms waiting on the doctor...
SO glad Shelby was able to go to the doctor with us...
Shelby's arms got tired...I look so tired in this picture!
Georgia Claire went with us and she thoroughly enjoyed the toys...
She is so funny with the squinty eye thing...every time I bring out the camera this is the face I get!
Or this face...
Or this face! She's feeling better, we think, but she's still having her little fits...nothing Mama & Daddy can't handle!
Shelby was able to get a picture of her with her eyes open!
We love our baby girls and are SO thankful they are both healthy and happy. Ivy Jane is growing and developing exactly how she should and I am thrilled! Healthy children are a blessing...a blessing that I do not take for granted!


  1. Your girls are so wonderful!!! I remember thinking Georgia looked like Shelby, too...

    Can't wait to see you guys soon and get some lovin'.

  2. Oh! Look at that little belly Ivy's getting! that is just the best : ).

    I agree with Stacy- when Georgia was a newborn I thought she looked like Shelby too! Maybe Shelby just looks like a newborn baby! Just kidding Shelby! haha. haha. {{{nervous laughter}}}
