Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, August 2, 2010

36 Weeks

Yesterday marked the beginning of Week 36 of my pregnancy...CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!
I've gained about 30 pounds, which my doctor says is great...sounds like a lot to me, but she assures me that it's ok! I'm at the point of appointments once-a-week and today we talked about the possibility of me being induced. IF I go to my due date, which is August 29th, I will be induced either on that day or soon after. She will tell me next Monday the date we can mark on our calendar! Today I was 1-2 cm dilated and 75% effaced. My doctor told me that I could be at that state for a couple of weeks, but she also said I was "prime"?! She said, "Let me put it this way, I have another patient that I induced this morning and you are farther along than her!" I'm getting really excited-not really nervous at this point, although maybe I should be?! Stay tuned! My next appointment is next Monday!

1 comment:

  1. You look wonderful!!!! We're praying for the 9th!!.....got your bag packed girl?
