Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, June 22, 2009

Why Georgia?

I've had many people ask how we came up with the name...why Georgia? Although we are big fans of John Mayer, it is not because of his song! My grandfather (my Dad's dad who I never had the privilege of meeting) was George Alvis. I had always considered the name George for a boy, if we had one. I bought the book, The Baby Name Wizard, back in January when we started the adoption process. Almost every day I would look at names, marking the ones I liked. If you have ever been to our home you know I love antiques. My whole house is full of antiques, and I absolutely LOVE decorating with antiques. In this book there was a section titled Antique Charm...I found that I marked more names in this section than any other. After meeting Georgia's birth mother and finding out it was a girl, we narrowed our search down to two names.

I went to lunch with Georgia's birth mother, her boyfriend, and her mom when I went to her final ultrasound in May. During our conversation she asked me if I had thought of any names. I told them the first name we were considering and they didn't seem like they liked it too much and then I told them the second name, Georgia Claire, and they REALLY liked it. That's when I found out that Georgia's biological great-great grandfather's name was GEORGE! I thought it would be special to both families to use the name, just in feminine form! To me it was yet another way that I felt like God was bonding our families.

On our way home on Friday, June 19th, I received a text from Georgia's birth mother's mom...or Georgia's biological grandmother. She said that she had just talked to her granny Alma (who was married to George). She had called to check on them and told them that June 17th, Georgia's birthday, would have been her and George's 59th wedding anniversary! And again, I am amazed at God's hand in all of this.


  1. Miss Georgia - Stacy wants to kiss you all over your pumpkin head!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Becky I just love you. Our A/C went out last night! I woke up around 3 burning up so I checked my email and found the blog. You don't know how much it means to me. Isn't she beautiful?

    I'm so sorry you didn't get to meet your George. Mine had four boys, my daddy, Dale, the oldest. When I finally came along they were so ready for a little girl and I was ROTTEN. I miss him so much and know he's smiling down from heaven on our blessing.

    I can't wait to come see you!!!!! Stacy

  2. Haha. I can't believe I didn't think of JM until my friend mentioned it. I LOVE her name. You guys picked well and I think it fits her! Also, I'm in love with the picture at the top of this entry.
