Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quality Peach

Dad had the idea to weigh Georgia on the scales this morning at the farm. So, we lined one of the peach lids with her blanket and laid her on the scales. She's a whopping 7.31 pounds folks! So that means in 8 days she has gained about 7 ounces! YAY! I knew her cheeks were looking fatter...that girl loves to eat! The box lid says "Quality Peaches"...she is DEFINITELY a "quality peach" in our book!


  1. i can't read your blog anymore, it makes me cry EVERYTIME!!!!! :-) LOVE this journey!

  2. Becky, HOW ADORABLE!! Where can I get some of those quality peaches? lol

    GC is so precious!

    Would you like her full name on her window or would you like to stick with the initals?

  3. Ooh...if you had room to do Georgia Claire I would LOVE it! If not, initials are OK! =)

  4. I can make Georgia Claire happen Missy! :)

  5. Hi it's Julia! this picture cracks me up. she is so adorable.

  6. Hi Julia! Oh I'm so glad you saw the picture...it's a keeper, isn't it?

  7. mum you need to get hernkd to show her peach
