Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, May 17, 2010

Eleven Months Old TODAY!

Could it be?! Georgia Claire is ELEVEN months old today?! WOW! How we love this little girl. The past 11 months have been absolutely FANTASTIC and full of so many happy happy times. She is now crawling and crawling FAST...Shelby said the other night that "Hurricane Georgia had made land fall!" But we love it. We love watching her on the move and usually she squeals while she's crawling. She's SO proud of herself! She now says "Mama", "Dada", "Bye Bye", "Ba Ba" for bottle, and lots of other Georgia words that we haven't quite figured out! She loves to be outside and loves to "help" me with the laundry and dishes. She lights up when Daddy gets home and loves to rock with her favorite blanket. She's now in 12-18 month clothing...still a big girl! I think she is going to be tall...she's still in the 98th percentile in length, and you can tell with some of the clothes we try on her...especially onesies. We bought her a swimsuit Saturday at Old Navy-they were having a great sale and she needed one for our trip that's coming up soon. (She's been given 2 or 3 and they are ALL TOO SMALL! Maybe her little sister will be able to wear those.) We're going to the hill country to relax and rejuvenate, and to also see Will, Gabe, and my sister Angie & brother-in-law Joe. We can't wait! Shelby needs the time off from work...he LOVES his job and is doing so well, but it has been stressful lately and he needs the break. Below are some pictures I took of her in her new swimsuit...

It fits and I think she really likes it! It was early and she still had bedhead. Her hair has gotten long and I almost always have to wet & brush it before we leave to go anywhere. Look at her creases and rolls...I told her I wish I was that cute in a swimsuit!
Crawling around...
Happy girl (even though she's still not feeling too well)...look at her wave in her hair! Hahaha!
AND my ABSOLUTE favorite pic of her first swimsuit modeling session...it looks like I told her to "Give me sassy" or something...her expression and the way she is sitting CRACKS ME UP!
OH HAPPY ELEVEN MONTHS! Thank you, Lord for this precious baby girl and the happiness she has brought to our life! We love her so much and are so incredibly thankful for her life and your plan for us through the miracle of adoption.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness! look at those legs! i can't get enough : )
