Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Friday, April 2, 2010

Officially Approved

One year ago today we got the call that we were officially approved to be adoptive parents and this picture, along with our "Dear Birthmother" letter was posted on their website. It was such an exciting day! I remember Cathy, the director of the adoption agency, telling us "From this point it could be 2 months or 2 years. We simply have no way of knowing when you will be chosen by a birthmom." I think that's one of the hardest parts of adoption...it seems like you are always waiting. The months prior we were busy busy busy with paperwork, getting physicals, fingerprinted, plus getting our house ready for the Home Study. But now April 2, 2009 was here and we simply had to wait! SO hard for a "control freak" like me. I love to have my list of things I know I need to do but now all of those things to do were done. I have to be honest it was hard to focus on anything but the birthmoms that were viewing our profile! Were we ever going to get chosen? Did we say the right thing in our letter? That's when, again, we had to take a deep breath and just trust in our Lord that he would provide the perfect birthmom in His perfect timing, not ours. (Little did we know that on April 2, 2009 we would only have to wait TWO WEEKS until we heard that Julia had chosen us and we would have a baby in 2 1/2 months!)


  1. Isn't it the most amazing thing ever?


    Check out my archives for 2009/April...I was falling of my rocker. After meeting you, I still wanted Julia to change her mind, but you two made everything work out.

    I just posted recently how God works - if we'd gone in any sooner, she would have chosen someone else. We wouldn't be sharing this beautiful baby. You might still be waiting.

    Oh my God Becky - I've been beating myself up so much lately because I didn't support my Julia from the beginning. Now today, I think I know why. It was all about timing and finding you and Shelby....the crazy couple riding on a trash can lid.

    Maybe soon she can forgive me and realize that everything was about Gods timing...and Momma learning to keep quite.

    Happy Easter!

    PS...I just left the post office...
    Hippity Hoppity

  2. happy easter to you guys! we were in shreveport this weekend visiting my grandmother and i SOOOO wanted to come see you.

    love you three!
