Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My How Our Life Has Changed!

Thinking back over the last year almost takes my breath away at how incredibly GOOD our God has been. It's hard to express in words how truly thankful and happy we feel each and every day that we wake up and see our baby girl's face...it is so humbling. Not a day goes by that we don't think about & pray for Georgia's birthmom, Julia. A year ago today I got a call at school from Laura at Generations Adoptions, our wonderful agency in Waco. She informed me that Julia had narrowed down her search to two couples, and we were one of the TWO! WHAT?! Just two weeks earlier we were "official" and our profile was available for birthmoms to preview in the agency's office and on the website. I can remember having a "pity party" the day before...I knew the reality of the situation was that we could be waiting for 2 months or 2 years! To be honest, we had been trying for over four years on the emotional roller coaster of infertility treatments, procedures, and even surgery, and I did not want to wait 2 years! The fact that Julia had read our profile and was considering US was a HUGE confidence booster. I can remember Shelby & I talking and we decided that if she didn't choose us, at least we knew that someone had found us interesting and maybe another birthmom would, too! She was going to take the weekend to think about her decision and would let the agency know on Monday. That day was a Friday and Shelby & I decided to get out of town to try to take our mind off the fact that on Monday we would be receiving the call...it's us or it's not us! WOW! We went to Shelby's parent's home and ate out a lot and watched lots of movies in their media room. We had trouble sleeping, talking about Julia and wondering what she was doing, what she was thinking...our minds would not turn off. A lot of tears were shed that weekend, thinking about how our life could change in an instant on Monday. We turned to lots of prayer, as we had numerous times before, and just trusted the fact that God knew if this baby that Julia was carrying was supposed to be ours or not. We had to rest in that truth. Now, here we are a year later and Georgia is exactly 10 months old and I am 21 weeks pregnant! GOD IS GOOD!

I don't really like this picture, but many have asked if I was showing yet so I wanted to post a profile picture...YEP, I'm showing! Granted, this shirt is a t-shirt that fits pretty tight, but 21 weeks pregnant definitely shows! I never thought I would take one of these photos....I never thought I would be pregnant! We talked to our neighbors last night and they are expecting their first baby, a girl, at the end of June. We never get to see them...he's a police officer and she is an ER nurse. They both work weird hours, so we played catch-up last night in the front yard. Yea-another baby girl! Looks like play dates might be in our near future!

Here are just some random shots of Georgia...ones that I've taken this week that make us smile!

When she sleeps, when she eats, and when she sits in her carseat, her little ankles are usually crossed...Shelby & I just love it!
The precious head tilt...little flirt!
She is getting SO close to crawling! She will now get on all fours and rock back and forth and then usually face plants on the carpet. It's funny...several sweet little ladies at church have given me advice...things like, "Well, just put some toys out there for her to go get!" or "She needs to be on her stomach a lot!" Believe me, we've tried it all.
This is after her face plant...turned to smile at the camera!

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