Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Friday, April 23, 2010

Improvement in Will

Here is a TERRIFIC picture that my sister Angie sent me this afternoon of WIll-sitting up, coloring, and watching Franklin. The best part of the picture? HIS PRECIOUS SMILE!
And here he is eating breakfast...

And here is the latest update from Angie...

When you are in the hospital you become very focused on numbers...almost obsessed with them especially when it is your child. Numbers on the monitor, numbers on lab work, and the number of "tubes" connecting your child to exterior healing forces. When Will came out of surgery he had 9 tubes. This morning he is down to 7 - a sure sign of progress. He no longer needs oxygen or continuous fluids through his IV. Today the plan is to wean him off his epidural and to discharge his catheter, so tomorrow he'll be down to 5.

Yesterday afternoon we had a little scare, Will spiked a fever of 100.9. Technology is amazing. I couldn't leave the room to update the care page (we can't get an internet signal on the PCU), so I had to resort to texting. I quickly texted 4 key people in our lives, and within minutes a prayer chain was started all over Texas and beyond. An hour later, Will's fever was gone and it hasn't been back! So amazing to see first hand the power of prayer. The fever also led to a flurry of lab work which has all come back normal. If you were involved in this chain of prayer...thank you!

Will is getting to eat more today...scrambled eggs and yogurt, which he is tolerating and enjoying very much. The highlight of the day....Joe doing a silly disco dance for Will while twirling some 7 foot long fiber optic light up plastic tube things Child Life brought to our room for entertainment. Joe was hoping to liven things up a little...Will just sat in his bed staring at him ...not sure what to think. I on the other hand was laughing so hard I almost choked. It feels so good to have a moment of joy like that in the hospital. It is a gift.

Thank you, thank you for all your words of encouragement - we feel so connected to all of you despite the distance.


I know that many of YOU were involved in that chain of prayer she wrote about...thank you from the bottom of my heart! Mom & Dad are there with them again. When Mom called me at about 2:30 Angie & Joe had left the hospital to get a little rest and some fresh air. Will was perfectly content sitting in his hospital bed with Paw Paw looking at Dad's "Green" Magazine...a John Deere magazine that Will LOVES! When Mom & Dad were in Fredericksburg a few weeks ago Will specifically asked Dad to bring some tractor magazines. She said he was giggling and smiling...what a precious picture!


  1. oh becky- that sweet boy...

    Thank you Lord, for your strong hand covering Will and holding up his family during this time. You are amazing, and Your boundless love is so evident in the body of this little one. Thank You, Father.

  2. Thank you, Mandi! He is home and doing so well, thanks to all of the prayers!
