Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Five Months Ago Today...

Five months ago today our baby girl was born and our world was forever changed. The JOY that Shelby and I have had these last 5 months has been overwhelming at times. Her birthmom gave us a HUGE gift when she chose us to be Georgia's parents. We feel so unworthy and yet we are SO grateful! We still look at Georgia and say, "I can't believe she's ours!" It seems like just yesterday that she was born and already she's five months old! People always told me that children grow up too fast...now I know what they meant first hand.

Here are some pictures I've taken of her today. This first one is what I see every morning...nothing like a happy, smiling baby with legs straight up in the air to get you going in the morning!
Georgia & I went to lunch with Grandma & Paw Paw today...of course she had to wear her onesie with a cupcake on it to celebrate her 5 month birthday!
Look at those legs!!!
She's getting close to cutting her two bottom teeth...this is the facial expression we see a lot...drooling and rubbing her gums together!
I love you, Georgia Claire! Your daddy & I could not be happier! Thanks for a fun 5 months!
Shelby & I were talking last night and I said, "Can you imagine loving another child as much as we love her?!" and he said, "NO!" I know we will when that time comes though. We are excited about what God has in store for our little family!

1 comment:

  1. becky! i can't get over that cutey you have there. i love those rolly legs- so precious!

    it IS hard to imagine that you could ever love any other child as much as the first. it is amazing to see how God grows your heart. just adding...more grace, more love, more patience...too much to comprehend.
