The girls are just so much fun right now. I'm loving this stage, even though there are times that I want to pull my hair out. Those times are definitely few & far between though & I am so thankful for these two little girls! Georgia saying, "Momma, hold you!" is probably THE BEST thing that she says. Oh, and don't forget the way she says, "One more time!" or "Cookie Monster" or "I be white back, OK?" or when she's cold after her bath & wants to wrap up in her towel and cuddle with her daddy and then me. She loves to sing songs with us...she sings in the car & she sings when she's going to sleep. She loves "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "Jesus Loves Me". She also loves Granby's song "Black Cows"...we sing those three songs at LEAST three times a day! She always says, "Momma, hand!" when we are in the car, asking for me to hold her hand. Monday night she wanted to read the book, Just in Case You Ever Wonder (she calls it "God") and she sat on the edge of the bed, while I sat on the floor, held my hand, and listened intently to every word. Does she even know what an angel she is? I got tears in my eyes as she cuddled up closely to me. It's like she knew what the book was saying. If you have never read the book, you must! Georgia is a precious big sister to Ivy Jane. Whenever Ivy Jane cries, Georgia says, "What's wrong? I-bee hurt? She ok?" I love that little girl and her BIG heart.
Here are three of my favorite pictures from the last couple of weeks...
She ALWAYS puts her play glasses on upside down! Ha!
Why play with the toys in the basket when YOU yourself can get in the basket?!
Mimi made this apron for Georgia & Shelby put it on Ivy Jane the other night while they were "cooking". Such a cutie in her pink gown & apron standing at the kitchen!
She is walking ALL over the place & doing so well. Shelby & I just smile & laugh at her "teeter tottering" around. Every day she goes a little farther & keeps her balance a little better. I can't wait until the day when she is running after her big sister! She's now saying "puh puh" for puzzles, "park", "pa" for paci, and when we ask her if she wants to do something she says, "myeah" for "yes". We realized last night that she is about the same age now that Georgia was when we brought Ivy Jane home from the hospital! What?! It's hard to believe that really. What a FABULOUS time we have had as a family of four. I love my little family.
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