Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, March 7, 2011

Busy Girls

These pictures were taken last night...and they pretty much sum up how our life has been lately. C-R-A-Z-Y! Gone are the days of two sweet little girls sitting for a picture! Don't get me wrong, they are still sweet, they just don't like to sit still & smile at the same time!

It has been a while since I've blogged...busy mom of 2 girls under 21 months! Whew!!! The last week or so I've been a nurse over everything else. Last Sunday Georgia Claire woke up sounding AWFUL so I started running the humidifier and doing breathing treatments. By Tuesday she wasn't better & I thought Ivy Jane was getting sick so instead of going to MDO, we loaded up and headed to the doctor. (I have to take a minute to tell you that they did SO good! I worried about taking both of them by myself, but GC was a great help and got a sucker from the doctor when we were done!) The doctor prescribed a steroid for Georgia Claire to break up the mucus in her bronchial passages...she was wheezing and coughing like crazy! EVERYTHING in East Texas seems to be blooming and unfortunately, I think GC is going to have allergies, just like everyone else that lives here! The doctor thought Ivy Jane's issues were just related to teething...she now has her two bottom teeth! SO CUTE! Wednesday night she didn't sleep very well and Thursday night she was awake every THIRTY MINUTES! She screamed when I put her in her bed and only wanted to sleep on me as I reclined, so I thought it was probably an ear infection. SO, back to the doctor we went on Friday, both of us EXHAUSTED! (Kathy offered to take GC to play group so that she could play and I wouldn't have to take two kiddos to the doctor again.) She had a fever of 101.4 and was like a limp doll laying on my chest in the office. When the nurse came in she picked her head up from my chest, gave a smile, and laid back down...precious girl. When the doctor looked in one ear, she said, "Ouch!" then she looked in the other ear and said, "Ouch! No wonder she has been so fussy...she has a double ear infection!" So, after numbing drops & an antibiotic, our happy baby is back. She laughed at her daddy & me for the first time in a few days...music to our ears!

Georgia Claire is almost 21 months and has become a busy bee who is changing into a little girl right before our very eyes, with a big personality! She no longer has rolls and chunky legs...she's tall and thin! She still loves to read books but doesn't like the whole sharing thing! She's become a picky eater...one day she likes fruit & vegetables, the next day she only wants crackers! She's definitely testing the waters right now! She loves to play outside and usually falls down and has a fit when we have to come in. She loves playing in the bathtub but cries when we wash her hair or get her out and put on her clothes! When she makes bad choices and has fits, she goes to time out. She knows the chair so well that now when she walks by it she says, "NO NO!" I know that this is an important part of growing up and that she is learning every day. I pray that she becomes a happy, well-adjusted, sweet little girl with a great attitude! I also pray that Shelby & I will continue to be firm but nurturing and always consistent. We are definitely praying for wisdom & are learning every day, too! For sure the good times outweigh the bad times by a mile, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Times are changing, but they are SO fun. Even on those days when I fall into the bed from exhaustion I count my blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Oh good for you! It is so good to remember the blessings in the middle of the mess! And toddlers can just be a mess!
