Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, July 12, 2010


I said in my last post that Georgia Claire is perfectly perfect...she makes me laugh what seems like a hundred times a day. Her little personality is precious and hilarious. She's loving drinking whole mile and eating real food. For supper one night last week I baked salmon, roasted carrots & asparagus, and we had wild rice and rolls, too. I wondered what in the world Georgia would eat and she ate EVERYTHING except the asparagus! She has the best little appetite and I hope it stays that way. We're working on the sippy cup thing, and she's getting better with it, but still doesn't have it down. Just a couple weeks ago she started holding her bottle all by herself...YES!!!! That is a HUGE DEAL in my book! She still dribbles milk down her chin but Shelby & I LOVE watching her. She's SO proud of herself!

Look at that face...those little moon eyes and milky chin....

She took awhile with her bottle so we had some errands to run and she finished in her carseat...
She cracks me up!
What am I thankful for today? Milky smiles and moon eyes...


  1. those are good things to be thankful for!

  2. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm love to give you my milk baby girl watch it run out your mouth and drip off your chin I bet you suck real good
