Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, March 22, 2010

Nine Month Check-Up

What a busy day! Georgia Claire and I both had doctor's appointments and they were both successful! Georgia weighs 20.6 lbs (78th percentile) and is 29.25 in long (93rd percentile). Who knows? Maybe this chunky little baby is going to be tall and thin?! She still has the best thighs...cute now, not so much when she's my age! Ha! We're also fighting issues with her eczema and are trying another cream. She has the one tooth on top and THREE more that are swollen and close to cutting through...she's such a trooper! You would never know she was in pain. Her doctor thinks she is right on target with her development, even though she has not become mobile yet. And for those of you that think that she hasn't crawled or walked because we hold her all the time, we DON'T! Although it's tempting... She spends a lot of time sitting and playing or playing on her tummy. The best thing she is doing lately is this precious little head tilt. If you say her name and look at her, she usually tilts her head and gives the best smile. What a little flirt! Today she started smiling and squinting at my mom just about every time mom looked at her...too cute! My appointment went well...heard the baby's heartbeat again, this time it was in the 150's. I've gained a pound since my first appointment. I was so sick at the beginning I lost quite a bit of weight but I'm putting it back on and feel MUCH better! We will definitely find out what the sex of the baby is, but my doctor will not do another sonogram until 24 weeks. SO, I have 6 more weeks to wait! We are SO excited to find out and hoping those 6 weeks go by quickly!

Changing the subject...a year ago on March 15th, my Papaw, David R. Crockett, passed away. He was a precious man who loved his family with everything that was in him. My sister Angie wrote an incredible tribute to him...maybe one day I'll post it. He was orphaned at 6 months of age and shuffled from family to family. He had to quit school at age 9 to work in the cotton fields and never really learned to read. He was an army cook in World War II with the 552nd Artillery. After the war, he went to work at the Whitesell Brickyard in Corsicana. His job was to fire the Corsicana Cherry Reds at the hot kilns. He did that willingly for 363 days a year for 36 years. Family meant the world to him, since he didn't have one of his own when he was a child. He knew the importance of hard work, and cherished his family more than anything. When Papaw died we all felt like we were not only mourning our Papaw, but our childhood. Every summer Mom & Dad would put us girls on a Trailways bus and we would ride to Corsicana, where Papaw would pick us up in his green and white Chevrolet pick-up with a camper shell. We loved that truck...the best part about it was the bench seats he had in the back along the sides... storage underneath and covered cushions that Granny made on top. My cousins would usually come for the week, too. We always had THE BEST time! One of my best memories is sitting with Papaw on the swing in the backyard while he peeled apples for us kids to enjoy. He could peel an apple with one long peel...I thought that was so cool. We didn't do a lot...ate really good and played extremely hard and always took at least one trip to KMart. We simply had fun being together.

We were all really worried about Granny when Papaw died because they were best friends. Papaw would look at one of us and say things like, "Beck, you know I love your Granny? I do-I love her so much." She has amazed us all and is doing EXTREMELY well, although I know she gets lonely at times. We were able to see her this past week for a bit. She loved seeing Georgia Claire again. She was the very first family member that got to meet Georgia. We made a pit-stop at her house on our way home when Georgia was 2 days old and she thought that was the best thing. As soon as we left, I heard she got on the phone and called my mom and her other kids to brag.

Here's a couple of pictures of Granny with Georgia and me...

Georgia has a ton of toys to play with, yet she loves the basket the toys are IN the most! She is definitely teething, as you can tell in this picture...
Sleepy girl going home reading her ladybug book with Mama...one of her favorite things to do.


  1. And here I thought that I had the most beautiful children in the world!! That little dress is so sweet ~ she's just such a big woman!!!!! I bought her a size 4 pair of sneakers yesterday; they're lilac with peace signs on them...they'll be on the way in a week or two.

    Thank-you so much for sharing the story of your Papaw. It was so nice to read this morning...now I can spend the rest of my day remembering how precious Papaws are.

    Tell me about her eczema. Is it on her scalp?

    Tell that lazy little poot to get a movin' -

    I love you - Stacy

  2. Thank you for the sneakers! I'm sure they are adorable! She actually has some purple things that I have no shoes to match...maybe her feet will grow quickly! They've stayed so small!

    Her eczema is not on her scalp-mainly on her legs and arms, and a little on her face. It doesn't seem to bother her, but I hate it. I'm hoping we find something that will help.

    She got in the "four point" position today and stayed there and started rocking a bit...maybe crawling is right around the corner! Stay tuned!
