Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, January 11, 2010

Gotcha Day!

The day we've all been waiting for came last Wednesday, January 6, 2009. Georgia Claire officially became a Braman and our hearts are full of joy! It was "Gotcha Day" for little miss Georgia and we were so happy to share the day with my parents, Shelby's parents, and his sister Heather. We are so incredibly thankful and blessed to have Georgia as part of our forever family! She is truly an angel and we love her more and more as each day passes.

I just have to brag a little about what a great baby she really is...she started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks and now sleeps 11-12 hours straight! She wakes up so happy, she goes down for her naps easily, she loves to play, she loves to read books, she loves to cuddle, and is just plain easy! We are blessed! Everyone tells me it's good that our first is this easy so we think all babies are this easy and we will want to have more. Well, we are not naive and we realize that not all babies are this easy. However, we do want more babies regardless of how easy they come! =)

When we arrived (bright and early) that morning we were met at the door with metal detectors and security officers that told us cameras were NOT allowed in the building because juveniles are on trial...WHAT?! Needless to say I almost cried, but soon found out that a member of the Dallas County Sheriff's Department would escort me back downstairs to retrieve my camera from security before our hearing. Apparently, adoptions are different and families WANT to remember the day! You think?!

This is the outside of the building...
The crew (minus Shelby) waiting...
SO excited and SO ready to get the show on the road!
Because of all of the hoopla about the camera Heather was a bit nervous to take too many photographs in the courtroom...I don't say I blame her. They were pretty hard-nosed in Dallas County! Here we are (with our lawyer Dave), tears are being shed...such an awesome feeling and privilege to know that this baby girl is ours!
Georgia wasn't cooperating and we didn't want to press our luck with more than one photo! =)
Georgia was SO sleepy...we didn't let her get her normal 11-12 hours of sleep! She was fading fast in this picture...
In her comfy new car seat, with her favorite blanket, headed home!
Thank you Lord for this beautiful day that you have given to us! We will REJOICE and be GLAD in it!

1 comment:

  1. OH Becky!!!! So exciting and so amazing!!! God is so good and I love how He has taken care of you and Shelb!!!! Love you guys! Congrats on GC being yours FOREVER!!!!
