Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Two Month Check-Up

Georgia Claire had her two month appointment today...which means shots! YUCK! She is now 23 inches long (75th percentile) and weighs 12 lbs 6 oz (87th percentile)! She is a GROWING GIRL! Dr. McCrory said everything looks absolutely wonderful! Thank you Lord for our healthy baby girl! She continues to be a very happy and content little baby! Here she is before the doctor came in to examine her. Poor baby, she had no clue what was about to happen!
She loved the sound of the crinkling paper on the table...she was kicking as fast as her little legs would let her! I couldn't get her to smile...she was concentrating too hard! Serious work!
So, today she had to get three shots and she got so red and cried so hard! It brought tears to my eyes...her little mouth was wide open and her tongue was up but no sound was coming out...absolutely horrible! It was horrible for about 2-3 minutes after but then she calmed down...I put her up on my shoulder and it soothed her. Poor baby! I was a nervous wreck before and right after but by the time we made it to the car she was asleep in on my shoulder and I had calmed down.

Here she is at home, asleep in her bed, with three bandaids on her little chubby legs!


  1. Oh Becky!!! I love the last picture in the little yellow outfit. She's so fat...I can't wait to get kisses.

  2. oh! that is the worst. truly, it is. next time, see if the nurse will let you hold her while they do it. makes it a little better...a little...
