January 6, 2012 marked two years since Georgia Claire's official GOTCHA DAY! I cannot believe this baby girl...
Back in November she was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder, as well as hypotonia, or low muscle tone. If you want, you can read about SPD here. Since Georgia was about 6 months old we've always known she was somewhat delayed in her gross motor skills. She never rolled over & was a very late walker, she seems clumsy at times, falling down easily. Come to find out, her low muscle tone has also affected the muscles in her mouth & hands. That's why she had such a difficult time transitioning from a bottle to a sippy cup, and why she doesn't like some foods. It also explains why she has trouble opening things & colors lightly with a crayon. Little things, it seems, but if we don't work on them while she's young, it will affect her handwriting and other simple tasks when she is older. We are once again SO thrilled with the therapist that God has put in our path. Once a week Georgia works with an Occupational Therapist named Ms. Cre (or Cwee, if you ask Georgia)! Ms. Cre loves on Georgia & tells me every time we see her how she would take her home with her in a second. She's doing exercises to strengthen her core, which have already helped her get stronger! We know she is hypersensitive to sound...that's why she gets really quiet when a lot of people are around. Her "sensory diet" at home includes listening therapy, strengthening exercises on a large exercise ball, brushing her skin, and doing joint compressions. I must admit, we don't get it all in every day, but I figure anything is better than nothing!
When she first got her diagnosis, I worried...a lot. I'm a Type A personality and like to be in control of things. Once again I'm faced with something I cannot control. One day back in December I remember dropping the girls off at MDO and breaking down in tears at the steering wheel. My prayer was simple--"Lord, help me help my baby girl. I love her and I know she is perfect in every way. Take this worry far far away from me & help me to not see her weaknesses, but her strengths instead. Thank you for allowing me to be her Momma." I think I drove to Starbucks to get some much-needed caffeine AND calories, and went about my busy day of errands. Throughout the day it was like I literally felt the worry being lifted & I was at peace by the time I saw her sweet little face when I picked her up. Since then, I have met some incredible mommas at therapy and enjoy connecting with them on a weekly basis. It has been so good for me, almost like a support group of sorts!
So, that's what's up with our Georgia Claire. She now slides with a vengeance, can almost climb up our little rock wall on our play set by herself, runs and gets in the swing on her tummy like she's flying, and is not totally shutting down in social situations like she has done in the past. Yes! Go Georgia Go! As for me? I'm more and more in love each and every day.
Happy GOTCHA day!! It's such a special day to look back on, isn't it? :) I'm glad to hear that PT is going well for Georgia Claire. I'm amazed at the progress I see each week as Tatem does her PT too! When I was a teacher, I had students with both of those and they were able to be very successful! I'm so thankful that you were able to get such an early diagnosis for your sweet little one.
ReplyDeleteWow! 2 years? That doesn't seem right! But man, look how much your family has changed in the past 2 years. God is crazy good!
ReplyDeleteYou are such a good mama to your babies. So happy to hear that you are able to work with GC at this age so she can avoid the struggles that would possibly come later. And so happy hear that you are finding peace in all of it.