Merry Christmas from our family to yours! Our Christmas celebrations began last Sunday, when we loaded up and hit the road to go to Mimi & Granby's for a few days. We left after lunch, right before nap time, thinking the girls would be so sleepy they would sleep most of the 4 hour trip...WRONG! Ivy Jane fell asleep about 10 minutes down the road but took about a 30 minute nap and was done! Georgia Claire was obviously tired but did not give in. About 15 minutes into the trip she said, "I get out now!" and 10 minutes before we arrived she said, "I go to sweep now!" I had to laugh...isn't that typical?! That's what I get for always trying to plan things out. I try to stick as closely as I can to their schedule, but it doesn't always work!
We had a delicious home-cooked meal when we arrived at Mimi & Granby's house, and enjoyed an evening of watching the girls play and enjoy being out of the car. Shelby's parents have the most incredible display of Christmas trees and decorations and I loved watching the girls admire all of them. Christmas through the eyes of a child is so wonderful!
The following day was jam packed, but LOTS of fun! After going to see some dear friends we headed to the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine for lunch and a tour of their awesome Christmas display! This pretty much sums up Georgia's face the entire time...

There were lights and ornaments and trains and music and people and the list goes on and on! It was BEAUTIFUL, but probably a little overwhelming to a 2 year old and her little sister. They did great and seemed to really enjoy seeing everything. I know I did!
Granby & Mimi and the girls...

I was going to get a picture of Heather & Julian but Georgia wanted to be with "Hedder and Juse" so she got in the picture as well...and then Barry & Ivy Jane snuck in, too! Ha!

Ivy Jane enjoyed walking along with two of her biggest fans!

I had to get this picture...

They had all of the reindeer dressed up in different roles. I can't remember her name, but she was a "domestic engineer" or something like that. I had to get a picture with Ivy Jane and her yellow paci because the reindeer's baby looked so similar! Been there and done that with a cookbook in one hand and a baby in the other!
Afterwards, the girls were worn out and slept for an hour in the car...

That afternoon we hung out at the house. I love this picture of Ivy Jane with Daddy & Granby. She thought she was so big working the puzzle with them!

Even Great Grandma got in on coloring! Georgia Claire was bossing her around telling her, "You sit here, Grandma & codor!"

Later we had a special guest, and the newest member of the family come by for a visit. Heather & Julian rescued a dog from a local shelter. His name is Han & he's a terrior mix and is such a gentle soul. He was SO good with the girls, however Georgia wasn't too sure of him. He gave Ivy Jane lots of kisses and she thought it was funny!

Ivy Jane decided Han's bed looked pretty comfy, so she gave it a try...he came over to check things out...

Looking at ornaments with Mimi...

We had a wonderful time! Georgia & Ivy Jane are the only grandkids on Shelby's side of the family, so they enjoy the attention tremendously (and I enjoy the help)! We got home on Wednesday evening and the girls were so excited to start playing with their new toys, etc. I put them in our bathroom to play with some of their new dress up things or "jewry" as Georgia calls it, while I unpacked and repacked.

We were home for about 24 hours and left for Grandma & Paw Paw's house Thursday evening. My sister Angie & her family were in from the hill country & my sister Kathy & her family were there as well. It was a great couple of days filled with good food & lots of silly cousin time! Thursday night Gabe & Luke, the two oldest cousins, spent the night together at Luke's house while Will, Mary Katherine, Caroline, Georgia & Ivy Jane had a sleepover at Grandma & Paw Paw's house. After getting all 5 kiddos bathed and getting Ivy Jane to sleep, the other 4 little monkeys enjoyed jumping on Grandma & Paw Paw's bed! They were jumping from the settee in the window to the bed & squealing the entire time!

I asked them to pose for the camera and this is what I got! I thought it was too funny not to post!

Mary Katherine & Caroline are SO good with Georgia Claire...I don't think GC stopped smiling the ENTIRE time! That night Caroline & GC slept on a pallet on the floor in Grandma & Paw Paw's room. Georgia Claire didn't go to sleep until 10:oo and was up and at 'em at 5:00! She has never been awake that early! By the time I got up at 7:00 she had already had juice, fruit, and some peanut butter crackers...Paw Paw was in charge!

What would Christmas be without science experiments?! My dad bought a whole bag of experiments but they turned out to mostly be duds. MK said matter of factly, "This isn't fun at all!" Poor Paw Paw! He's already planning bigger & better experiments for the next time!
Later that night Paw Paw redeemed himself with a great fireworks display! Georgia Claire loved the sparklers...
Ivy Jane wanted to climb & slide over and over and over!

Georgia was giggling the whole time she was swinging!

And this was the best picture I got of Paw Paw, Grandma & the sweet little 7 darlings! (Yes, that would be my child with her hands over her eyes!)

We made it home on Christmas Eve & Santa found his way to our home. We have enjoyed our day at home...I cooked 3 meals, the girls took great naps, we started purging & organizing toys, Shelby had a fire going most of the day, he & I have almost finished a 1,000 piece puzzle that we started last night, & I even started taking down our Christmas decorations. I love Christmas SO much but next year I plan to start earlier & make things simpler.
I want to begin observing Advent with our girls. Georgia already knows that Christmas is Jesus's birthday & knows who Mary & Joseph are, and that shepherds & wise men came to see Baby Jesus in a manger. Every night we sing "Away in a Manger" and she tells Baby Jesus "night night" as he goes to sleep in her nativity set. Today we sang "Happy Birthday" to him TWICE! How precious to begin our season celebrating the coming of Emmanuel with these two precious miracles that God has given us! A friend of mine said in her blog that Advent had helped her family to "settle their holiday restlessness" and that it was like a "slow, deep breath"...don't we ALL need that during the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season? It sounds glorious and I'm already looking forward to it!
Tonight Georgia said it best in her prayer, "Dear God, thank you for Baby Jesus. Thank you for home all day and our naps. I yub you. Amen." I'm in love...