Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our One Year Old

I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones, or just the joy of watching Georgia Claire grow, but I have been OVER-THE-MOON with love for our one year old. Just when I think I can't love her more she proves me wrong! We went to the doctor last Monday for her 12 month check-up and she is still a big girl! The doctor thinks she is going to be tall! She is 31.25 inches long (in the 97th percentile) and she weighs 23 pounds (72nd percentile). So, she is slimming up, but still has those chunky thighs that I love so much!

She's really enjoying whole milk and I am loving the ease of making a whole milk bottle (or W.M.B. as Shelby calls it). She's down to one or two formula bottles a day now and is doing great! She loves to eat at the table and will immediately start kicking her legs and waving her arms when we put her in the high chair and she sees the food on the table! Her favorites right now are corn on the cob, peas, potatoes, applesauce, Gerber Puffs & Lil' Crunchies, Goldfish, most meat-chicken, beef, & hot dogs, rolls, cinnamon toast, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, peaches, blueberries...and the list goes on and on! =) I've been teaching her to put her head back and say, "mmmm" after she takes a bite of something she really likes. Here she is eating a bite of cantaloupe...
And here she is trying to say, "mmmm"...
Georgia Claire is so proud of herself when she crawls...and I love watching her! She usually squeals or hollers while she's crawling and she is fast! Her poor little knees stay red and calloused, but it doesn't seem to bother her. She loves to follow me into another room or crawl away from me and try to get to another room before I can. She and her daddy have a game they play around the furniture...he crawls and hides from her and she goes to find him. It's so cute to watch them play together. I am so happy that she is crawling and I'm really not encouraging walking, although I am not discouraging it either. I know that studies show crawling is very good for the baby's brain development, so I am happy with having a crawler right now! Besides, her feet are still so small I don't know how they will hold up those chunky legs! =) She is pulling up and taking a couple of steps beside furniture, so it probably won't be long.

Shelby & I want to know who "Loody" is because that is her latest word...she says it over and over and it's hilarious! She still loves books and likes to sit in her floor and "read"...
She loves to "sort" things...laundry, toys, burp rags, plastic bowls in the kitchen...she will move them from pile to pile! It keeps her very busy and it's so funny to watch her do it! Here she is sorting her burp rags...
I'm loving being a mom more than I ever thought I would. Thank you, Lord, for the incredible opportunity to nurture and love and care for this precious little life...I don't take the responsibility lightly!


  1. Oh Becky! I love that you are teaching her to say "mmm"! That is precious!

    I wish I had some of your dad's peaches right now. I'd be saying "mmm" too! I just can't buy the ones in the store. They are so hard. : (

  2. oh you are going to be saying mmmmmm tonight when I get my hand in your diaper and give you a b day orgasm, legs will buck and kick like crazy
