Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Eight months old today!

Happy EIGHT months Georgia Claire! What a complete JOY you are to your daddy and me. You make friends everywhere we go. You are such a happy baby and SO good (unless you are hungry, then you get a little impatient)! We cannot complain. God is so good and did an amazing thing in our life when He made you.

I can remember when your daddy and I were students at Howard Payne University and friends saying that certain couples were MFEO (Made For Each Other)...that's EXACTLY how I feel about you! Julia carried you and provided the perfect environment for you to grow and develop (for which we are forever grateful) and even though I didn't grow you in my tummy, you grew in my heart. This time last year your daddy and I were in the middle of a mountain of paperwork and a list of things to do so that we could be approved for adoption. It was a hard time, but SO exciting because we knew a little baby was going to be the end result! What we didn't realize is that in just a few months we would be bringing that precious little baby, YOU, home with us! What a ride!

We love you so much! I cannot say it enough. My prayer is that we always show you the love of Jesus in our actions and not just words. 1 John 3:18 says "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and truth."


  1. oh! nothing better than naked babies! look at that pretty girl!

    1. not naked or we could see her p=ssy
