Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fifty Years

On September 1, 1962, James Vance and Mary Ellen became husband and wife...and started a legacy! Look at these two--Dad was 19 and mom was 18...
In that 50 years, Mom helped put Dad through school while he received three degrees, he was hired as an Entomologist with Texas A&M, they had three girls, they started a Christmas tree, blueberry, & peach business that's still booming over 30 years later, they put three girls through college, they paid for three weddings, they gained 3 son-in-laws, they built a home, they welcomed seven grandchildren into the world, they have gone through open heart surgery, as well as other major milestones.

To say that I am blessed would be a MAJOR understatement! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to call these two my parents. They have served the Lord throughout the years & have been the perfect example of a Godly marriage for my sisters & me, as well as many other young couples throughout the years in their church. 

We were all able to be with Mom & Dad for the weekend, and it was perfect! Instead of having a big reception or party with a lot of people, we did things as a family. On Saturday, we had family pictures taken, my sister Kathy made a DVD of pictures throughout the 50 years set to music (which was PRICELESS!), watched Dad get down on one knee and sing the song he sang to mom in their wedding (we were all crying!), we ate fish for supper at their favorite restaurant, & had a mini wedding cake that night for dessert! This picture makes me laugh. Ivy Jane was being such a good girl waiting for her turn to eat cake!
 Cutting their cake...

 Feeding each other...

On Sunday we all attended church together & bought the altar flowers for the services that day. I think they turned out so pretty! 
 And we bought Mom & Dad a corsage & boutonniere for the morning!
I love these two dearly! What a great example they have been to me! I LOVE YOU, MOM & DAD!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE everything about this post--makes me smile! :) SO sweet!!!
