Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Our Twenty Month Old!

Ivy Jane has been such a joy these past 20 months...it's hard to believe she will be two in just 4 short months! A little about her since I plan to use the blog as an online baby book since I have NOT filled in much in her book...poor baby! She is still going to physical therapy twice a week for her torticollis. She is no longer tight on her right side, but we have to strengthen her left side. She uses her right side for almost everything. Her head still tilts to one side slightly and her right shoulder is always higher than her left, but she's getting stronger and stronger! She loves her therapists...YAY! 

She's fearless, trying anything and everything. Her language is CRAZY! She repeats everything...our own little Myna bird! She "reads" books, and is singing "Jesus Loves Me" & "The Alphabet Song". The other night Shelby was counting with her really slowly and he got to six and she says, "seven, eight, nine, ten!" as fast as she could. It was like, "C'mon dad!" She recognizes some numbers, knows her colors, and loves her "Jo-ja"! She wakes up ready for breakfast or "befast" as she calls it. She says "uh uh" for yes, and our ABSOLUTE FAVORITE THING she says right now is "shoo boop" when she wants us to scoot her up! It will melt your heart to hear her say "I yub you!" She's our little fire cracker & is definitely strong-willed, but she is a sweet girl! 

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks...

She fell asleep on me after playing dress-up, and yes, she's still in her tu-tu!
 She loved her fudgesicle the other night...
 She's learning to ride her tricycle, even in her diaper & Crocs (or Pinks, as she calls them)...
 Trying to put the bunny ears on straight proved to be a hard task!
Tonight we went to the park & she wanted to "drive" almost the entire time. She kept saying, "Jo-ja, are you?!"

We love you, Ivy Jane! You are our second miracle baby & loved so dearly! Thank you for adding so much joy to our life!


  1. How is she 20 months already!? Look at this big girl, so pretty and smart!

    1. I love the tricycle picture makes me so hard I can’t control myself I am Cummings I’m my pants love little pussy
