Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, August 26, 2013


What's the greatest gift ever to this momma?! TIME ALONE! Shelby gave me the very best gift this past weekend when he took Georgia & Ivy Jane to see his parents. I love my girls, but after a long summer of mommy duties, it was so nice to get a weekend off! In the 2+ years that we've lived here in Louisiana, I've never spent the night at our home alone. My mom came over for awhile & we shopped & shopped & shopped...'til we dropped! After she left I ate out by myself & just enjoyed being BY MYSELF...such a great break! I have to admit though, when they got home on Sunday I was missing them like crazy but felt rested & ready to play! 

After a fashion show of the new clothes I'd bought them, Georgia Claire wanted to work some puzzles...a great activity to strengthen those hand muscles!
 And working on her memory cards...she lined them allllll up!
 After making homemade pizza for my sweet family we headed to the backyard for some playtime!

This morning I was woken up at 5AM by Miss Ivy Jane. Of course, she went right back to sleep but I was wide awake! So I took the time, while the house was quiet, to pray & have my quiet time with the Lord. I have to admit, it's not every day that I do this, especially early in the morning. I'm SO not a morning person but with them starting preschool this past week it has given me the kick in the booty that I need to get our day going earlier & it feels SO GOOD! Looking at Facebook this morning my news feed was filled with first day of school pictures & it put a HUGE lump in my throat. I thought about our sweet Georgia Claire starting Kindergarten next year & ALMOST had a panic attack! And then, I read "Jesus Calling" & today's title was "TRUST ME". One line read, "Instead of desperately striving to maintain order and control in your little world, relax and remember that circumstances cannot touch MY PEACE." Ok Lord...got it! You got this. And I have another year to prepare my heart & enjoy our big girl. So I WILL trust you...and spend a little more time...sliding!

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